At Vernon Terrace, we are committed to inclusive practice for our children and staff. We recognise the positive value of diversity. We promote equality and will challenge unfair discrimination. We need our staff body to represent our children in order to support our work in being an advocate for their aspirations and needs.
We encourage applications from people who consider they have a protected characteristic (Equality Act, 2010). We also consider a person who was raised within a financially disadvantaged home as a protected characteristic. Research states that this group also face employment discrimination.
So what does 'Equality and Equity' look like at Vernon Terrace Primary School?
- Senior leaders and governors have all been trained to understand 'equality employment law'
- All staff receive regular training on the Equality Act and understand 'bias' and to recognise it and adjust their practice
- Senior leaders are committed to continuous change to ensure every stakeholder feels a sense of belonging
- Senior leaders create a psychological safe space for staff, therefore, staff feel comfortable sharing any barrier (within work or their personal life) that may require the need for reasonable adjustments to be made
Why work at Vernon Terrace?
- We continually review our practice to ensure all staff are able to manage their work life balance
- Our staff are friendly and create a 'buzzing' environment for children and staff
- We are committed to staff development. Every member of staff is encouraged to share their aspirations. If we can 'make it happen' we will.
- Our children are very well behaved and love coming to school. They value education and love learning something new everyday.
- Our parents are very supportive and work well with the school. They share our values and aspirations for their children
- Staff are given autonomy and their voice is heard. Everything at Vernon Terrace is led in consultation with all staff
- A number of staff members are trained 'development' coaches
In future, job openings will be listed on this page