The DSL who leads online safety at Vernon Terrace Primary School is our Head Teacher, Mrs J Cassiano. Our safeguarding policy and curriculum ensures pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe when online. Our teachers create a safe space for children to share their online experiences with them.

Our aim is not to deter our children from exploring and experimenting with the online world and technology. We want our pupils to positively engage in, and enjoy the online world and technology whilst ensuring they have a strong understanding of the risks and challenges creating confident users.

View Online Safety Policy

Evaluative Questions

Managing Risk
Evaluate Online Experiences

Reporting Concerns

If your child witnesses harmful or upsetting content or experiences bullying or abuse whilst online, please contact the school to report immediately. There are also links below which will enable you to seek further support and to report any of the above concerns.

Harmful or Upsetting Content

Get support by:
  • reporting harmful online content to the UK Safer Internet Centre
  • getting government advice and trusted resources from Educate Against Hate on safeguarding from radicalisation, building resilience to extremism, and promoting shared values

Bullying or Abuse Online

You can:

Parental Information

Please support us in keeping our pupils safe online by:
  • Attending Vernon Terrace's online safety workshops (annually for updates)
  • Talking to your children regularly regarding their usage of online devices
  • Checking recommended age guidance for apps/games
  • Discuss, as a family, whether or not you consider your child is old enough to use online devices as a communication tool
  • Create a safe space for your children to talk about their online experiences
If your child experiences a conflict online consider the following:
  • Take a snapshot of any inappropriate comments or images sent as evidence
  • Show this to any adults who are responsible for the child - if a child is in your care
  • Bring this information to our attention for further advice. If the message is from one of their school peers we will investigate and use our behaviour policy to manage it. DO NOT approach a parent or attempt to reply to the message
  • If the conflict is with someone your child does not know, who is not a pupil at our school, still let us know as we can support you with this
  • Have regular conversations with your child about how to have safe and respectful conversations online. Children will have conflicts with their peers, together we need to teach the children how to manage these respectfully without using online platforms.

Useful discussion points to have with your children

Our Safety Newsletters

April 2023

Being unkind online; Sendit; BeReal


March 2023

TikTok; Hollie Guard; Roblox


January 2023

Minecraft; Broadband; WhatsApp


October 2022

Roblox; Discord; Social Media Algorithms


Tutor Hunt

Maintaining awareness of children`s digital activities can pose a challenge, particularly when they navigate unfamiliar websites and apps. At Tutor Hunt, we strive to create a comprehensive information hub to promote safe internet use for children

To educate parents and children about digital safety, we have allocated a substantial amount of resources. Our team of experts have crafted a comprehensive children`s internet safety resource, containing invaluable insights and practical tips.

View Tutor Hunt Resources