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Our Newsletters

June / July 2024

Welcome to last newsletter edition of this academic year.


April / May 2024

I do hope those celebrating Eid and Easter had a wonderful time with their families.


February / March 2024

This half term, our Year 6 children made us so proud with their spectacular performance at the Royal Derngate as part of NMPAT’s Big Sing.


January 2024

As always the teachers are hard at work planning
enjoyable, creative lessons for the children.


November 2023

Firstly, to those who celebrated Diwali, I hope you had a reflective time with your friends and family.


September 2023

Welcome to a new academic year. I am delighted to report that children are settling into their classes and enjoying getting to know their new teacher.


July 2023

Welcome to the last newsletter of this academic year. What a brilliant year the children have had.


June 2023

I would like to say well done to all the children (and staff) who attended our camping residential.


May 2023

We have come to the end of another half term. It has been wonderful to hear the children’s learning reflections.


April 2023

Welcome to the final term of the year – the summer term! I am hoping it starts to look like summer soon. The summer term in school is certainly a favourite.


March 2023

We have reached the end of the second term. This term the children have enjoyed a range of educational visits and experiences.


February 2023

I am delighted to share that all teaching staff have been trained in Emotion Coaching which is an effective way to help children manage their feelings.


January 2023

I would like to wish you all a belated Happy New Year. As always, the children have returned from the Christmas / winter holiday eager to return to learning. The children have settled straight back and are making us proud.


December 2022

We have reached the end of the first term, and what a wonderful term it has been. We have marked important curriculum themes such as Black History Month and Anti-Bullying Week.


October / November 2022

I would like to thank all of our Nursery pupils’ parents for attending our open day. It was wonderful being able to show so many of you around.


September 2022

What a delight the start of term has been! The children have returned to their new classes like they never left for the summer.
